Yesterday night was call’s interview on CityFM89 – Rush Hour with RJ Fizza. Most of the people had same questions as ours that why the hell would band come up with such tracks and leave their creativity and rock music behind. The band did make some justifications and I pretty much agreed with that even though I hated Call a lot for this, but now I believe they had to do it for their own good. Later, the boys solved relationship problems of the listeners and the callers and Junaid turned out to be professional counselor 😛 Do listen to the interview its kinda good and the band did answer a lot of questions which were going through all of our minds. Their new album Dhoom is coming soon and Dhoom turns out to be a rock song. I think their album wouldn’t be as good as previous one but it will be a fine collection and it will have some old Call music in it.
2 replies on “Interview: City FM 89 CALL [Band] Rush Hour with RJ Fizza”
tHeRe iSt AlBuM wAs suMtHiNg I stiLl AdoRE BUt NoW tHey cHaNgEd ThErE sTyLe Of MuSic iN 90 DEgRee.SAmE sTuF nOw ThEy GiViNg LiKe EvErY iNdIaN mUsIcIaN iS gIvIng.b UrSeLf DudeZ v WaNt Ur StUfF nOt SuMtHiN u GiviNg NoW INdIaN sorT oF fAzooL mUsIc.
well right now I myself is sitting in the studio of a pvt univ campus radio I ca,nt listen the stuff well I wanna join city fm 89 could some one guide me?