Right , so I hear some of u wanted to read about my childhood or silly school stories including jman from the last blog’s first post . Ironically an old school friend tagged me today in a few group pictures of me with my pals back in school .
It certainly suddenly did bring back a lot of memories, however the ones related as to where those pics were taken , why they were taken , how or who took them , certainly don’t exist in my memory anymore . But I do remember something strange though, which is , that i had developed a lot crushes on a lot of girls at a lot of different times from school including teachers , although none materialized …. whoops ! But they were very harmless and innocent crushes … like the ones you see in movies … the flowers and the teddy bears and the cards and the valentine’s day and the chocolates . Yes , the kiddy kind . I also remember we used to have “ opinion books “ and “ slam books “ where we all used to post our comments on eachother . Can u imagine , we needed a book to tell eachother how we felt for who . The most frequently used comments for me were “ cute n nice “ “ cute and nice “ and “ cute , nice and a good artist “ I used to get so irritated … like come on guys .. wasn’t there anything more ? e.g “ oh my god he’s so sexy … I wanna tear off his clothes when he’s reading the physics chapter 8 out loud ! can I ? ”
Also there was a lot of mystery and talk revolved around the “ s “ word , but since this is a public forum I shall refrain from talking on that . Untill next time . Happy S …
P.S Check this track out by coven .
2 replies on “Ali Zafar’s Latest Blog Entry – School ‘S’”
aoa ali ur very gr8 singer and my frnd is one of ur largest fan in the world
i am your biggest fan, and i am so upset that u r married but glad that her name is ayesha…so is mine…i have only one dream ..that is to meet u. u are by far the most good looking and sweetest guy i have ever seen,mashallah. i pray for u everyday,though u dont even know me. congrats for ur movie i have completed seeing it the 40th time today.from sajania to tere bin laden..u have grown…and inshallah will get watever u ever wished for….i love u soooo much…bless u