Omer Farooq DIDN’T Sign for Khiza Records

April 5, 2009

Omer Farooq

Omer Farooq

After Omer Nadeem, Khiza signed upcoming singer Omer Farooq for Khiza Records. His album is in recording process. The album is coming soon which features rock song like Jeena Nahien and a great melodies like Iltaja. Omer Farooq is a great upcoming Singer with good melodies and great voice. The news are sourced by Omer Farooq himself.


Omer Farooq DID NOT sign for khiza records. PMR guys told me that the news are wrong. So, I confirmed the news from Khiza. Khiza says Omer only showed me few of his songs and he said your stuff is ok keep working and the next moment Omer spamed the news on every music site of Pak that he has been signed by Khiza. Khiza also said Omer is crazy and he will have to seriously take this matter now. Omer Farooq also released a song in which he played acoustic guitar with Azaan. So, please do not listen to Omer Farooq. We don’t need such musicians and they don’t deserve promotion.


I have never seen an artist getting this immature. First the artist made lots of lies and crazy songs making fun of our religion by mixing Azaan with guitars. Now, because he is exposed he keeps abusing my site all over the internet and keeps making comments over here. Omer Farooq grow up dude. You are an artist act like professional. Stop spamming all the sites in the world with couple of fake accounts. Truth is no one likes you after you have been exposed.