Message on MAUJ’s Facebook page.
The album should be up on iTunes and Napster in the next week or so. In the meantime – all our international fans and friends can get it from Amazon right now. Pakistan will have to wait unfortunately until Fire Records decides to release it. Thanks for your patience and support.
Buy Now.
You can download few of the tracks released before album release from here.
3 replies on “Mauj – Now In Technicolor (Album) released on Amazon”
please guys buy the album don’t just download it from any site and if u want to download it wait for at least a month so that “Mauj” earns some money through its album and please help our underground musicians earn some money through their album…. the sites should upload the album one or more than one month after the release of the album… otherwise our great musicians will stop making music for their fans like some of them have already done e.g Aamir Zaki, etc so please buy the album 🙂 and fight against piracy….
^^stop kidding around Aamir Zaki stopped making music because he said “people dont understand his music”.
Haha, Ali I do accept that he stopped because people don’t understand his music but he knew the fact before even starting up he still created that music because he targeted the minor community who like the way he does it. I believe You, Me and thousands others downloaded the album (who did understand and appreciate his work) but we downloaded 🙂 I am not stopping piracy in Pakistan because I can’t and Im a pirate myself 😛 but I like mauj and I want great artists to make some good money with their work.