
Ladies Singing National Anthem: Enlighten Moderation of Pakistan

Saw this video at Facebook few days back, found it worth sharing.

By Hamad Dar

Hey, I am Hamad. I like Rock/Metal music from the 80s. My favorites are Guns n Roses and Pink Floyd. Apart from that i listen to Underground music of Pakistan and try to promote them as much as I can.

5 replies on “Ladies Singing National Anthem: Enlighten Moderation of Pakistan”

I cant find words to express what I am felling right now, Are they getting ready for some Pakistan day somewhere. I don’t know about any one else but i simply find this not acceptable.

I really have no idea how to express my feeling but i am thankful that they did not sing indian national anthem….
Incline to a moderate pakistan or decline to our tradition, respect and culture……

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