Articles Female Artists

Abida Parveen listens to Whitney Houston

Abida Parveen Listening to Abida Parveen’s songs is a musical privilege. But lending an ear to Abida when she’s giving her opinion on different facets of life augments the respect that you have for her by leaps and bounds.

The other day, amazingly Abida told an interviewer that in order to learn, and enjoy, she listens to all kinds of music, including western. Then she didn’t hesitate for a moment in saying that she listens to Whitney Houston because the African American singer has a certain vocal range that Abida takes note of.

In our modern-day music industry if you ask a certain pop star who his favourite singer is, he’d either dodge the question by being goofily diplomatic or name someone you’ve never heard of. And here’s a living legend Abida Parveen, who doesn’t have to name names to sound convincing, apprising her admirers of the artistes she admires in a modest, humble way. Perhaps that’s because she knows music like the back of her hand.

Source: DAWN.COM | Images

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