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Owner of Mag4you Arrested For Album Piracy

So the Fire records is on fire and is tracking down the pirates of Pakistan. Owner of Mag4you has been picked up from his home by the police and other sites are being tracked by Fire Records, while the owner of KoolMuzone is blogging about it. I wasn’t that much of a pirate after all, was I? Anyways so, since the Fire records has decided that music websites of Pakistan shouldn’t get much traffic from the album piracy I thought to make some traffic by posting about it, cool no? Yes, it’s the right of musicians to get paid for their work and I strongly agree that piracy should be stopped but then did Yazdani Sahab from Fire Records even try to comply with all these website guys? Did he try to settle it down with a meeting even? Yazdani Sahab it had to be stopped but it could stop in a better way.

Keep rocking guys. Buy the albums so they may think about releasing the pirates and since I’ve posted this friendly “No Piracy” message for all of my members, I should get away with it, shouldn’t I 🙁 ?

By Hamad Dar

Hey, I am Hamad. I like Rock/Metal music from the 80s. My favorites are Guns n Roses and Pink Floyd. Apart from that i listen to Underground music of Pakistan and try to promote them as much as I can.

17 replies on “Owner of Mag4you Arrested For Album Piracy”

Believe is we did warn every one, even offered to work with them and for them to obtain licences from us. For months we tried, some even listened to us but the others chose to defy the law and to hurt not just us but the music industry in general and musicians in particular. Law had to take its course. We need to understand, appreciate and abide by laws. This is how civilized socities are supposed to behave. We follow rules when we are out of our country but choose to flout them in our own. How is this country to progress when theft and lawlessness becomes the norm.Please understand we all want the rule of law for our selves but are ready to break them for others. Let’s start telling the truth and live by the priciples oflaw. Live and let live

fire records is such an iditos.. lolx…

music websites helping artists to promote… they should take action again music cd shops, where there u need a good internet connection then u need to google ur required material on internet in other hands peoples easily can buy 5 movies songs in 1 mp3 cd or 5 latest pakistani artists releases in 1 mp3 and its available in market just for 30 pk-rupess… if these peoples really wants to stop piracy they need to take action first against music cd shops… lolx… u can take down all music websites down this way… what if ppl start hosting ur record label data on rapidshare or on torrent they r bunch of indian sites i know which are openly hosting all fire records and the muzik contents what abt them? what u think if u take apniisp or mag4you people cant download mp3 from net? loll still they can… they have torrents and they still have indian sites even american sites it self hosting pakistani and indian stuff and they are using untrappable china company ips.. which u never can trace out.. it keep changing whois and ip info after every 12 hrs..

u guys need to take action against music video shops not against music websites… these college guys are just promoting pk music.. yes if u think they are hosting ur contents send them notices before taking action…and use the right way to control piracy…

good luck


wow, a post from fire records, Hamad you’re famous! heheh but not the kind of fame you might be looking for 😛

firstly, dear Fire, shutting down music sites and arresting people won’t make you a more profitable company. and it DEFINITELY won’t improve the pakistani music industry. sites like koolmuzone are valuable tools that Fire and other labels need to embrace. if it wasn’t for this website, i wouldn’t have gotten so deep into co-VEN, would’ve never have known the existence of numerous new artists, and probably wouldn’t be as interested in the pakistani music industry as i currently am. very, VERY few other sites update as often as this one with current news and views.

What Fire needs to do (in my opinion. i’m not speaking through experience, just from logic) is to embrace ‘piracy’. one needs to look no further than the single biggest success in the pakistani music industry: Coke Studios. they’re providing a quality product and making it readily available for consumption. high quality audio, video, and images made available free for download. they aren’t worried about making money, even though they have a product that has serious cashcow potential. they’re nurturing and growing the cow before they milk it. all they have to do next season is make available lower quality mp3’s available for free download (160kbps or so) and have an optional high quality download (320kbps or whatever) with added goodies for a low price. if you need a western example, look at what trent reznor is doing with the nine inch nails. he puts up an album for 5 bucks a pop, and walks away with 1.5 million dollars or something. and that’s just one man, one band. Fire is a label with the best artists our country has to offer. what an arsenal! oh the possibilities!

anyways, to break it down, here’s what i think Fire should do:

1) Forget about making money off music sales. Main revenue source should be appearances, performances and concerts. Figure out what else you can charge money for, besides the music itself. Lets face it: you can’t download a tshirt.

2) Giving away the music will increase customer loyalty, and once you have customer loyalty on your side, you build your brand power. and brand power naturally leads to value. and high value will let you charge promoters more for live performances, resulting in higher revenue…right?

3) Focusing on live performances also works towards retaining artists who are actually talented and weeding out average musicians and average music. it will push the artist to polish their product and commit more of their time and talent into the label. and this is probably the single most healthiest thing for the pakistani music industry.

4) Promote your website more! I vaguely remember checking it out a whiiile ago, but it wasn’t anything i wanted to return to obviously. i just had a quick peek at it right now but will respond with a more indepth comment once i check it out properly (i’m at work right now).

bottom line, tweak your marketing plan. get connected to your fanbase and give them a reason to find and follow you. jailing their sources of music isn’t the answer.

from a musician, thanks hamad for running this site, hope to have some of my own work up here some day soon, and sorry for the lengthy comment :$

I totally agree with the fact that FIA should have contacted the website owner before doing any strict action like that and i totally agree how much revenew these websites and blogs are generating and taking a great deal in economy of Pakistan ……..le us see what more detail we get on this case

Fire records new director is dick head, he don’t know k piracy nahee tou artist ki promotion nahee, Fire Records ab band honay wali hay is k artist Yazdani ko galian day rahay hongay


i would suggest, piracy in pakistan is not a crime. You copy shit indian movies and songs and they cnat’ do anything, what the hell can record do ???

they dont’ know about internet yet, pure business man, dont’ know the taste of the domain.

so i must say, such loosers should stay away from website publishers. We are the king of this media.

Fire! Hell Such losers, I just can’t believe this stuff!!

@Fire: You will never succeed in your life, nor your music..Mark my words..

Internet is the only place where you can advertise your songs for free! and the small publishers are helping you in that!

Cmon man for God sake, this is just so stupid! I don’t even know that what kind of hell band you are! You are not even famous! You are just a born baby and you are taking actions like you are a big money industry guy! Go to hell or stop singing!

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