Noori – Kedaar Video in Progress

August 3, 2009

Noori’s first song to feature sitaar, “Kedaar” has already been shot and is going through editing right now. The song for the first time was played on MTV Music Awards. The song is expected to release in two week’s time says Ali Hamza.

Dhoom taana dere nana dere nana! – delays delays delays… Really hoping to release Kedaar within a fortnight. Pray it happens!

Meanwhile you can enjoy the live version played at MTV Awards. Mandana Zaidi, Ali Noor’s wife is the director of the video and Ali Hamza has been really satisfied with the shoot.

Hamza says

Kedaar shoot begins… Mandana is a super woman!!! Respect and Love increases exponentially!

The editing is taking longer than expected says Mandana

The new Noori video edit is such a looks like a never ending story.

As soon as we hear more on the video, we will update you.