
Rock ‘n’ roll Eid

Rock ‘n’ roll Eid

Musi­cians tell Instep Today what they’ll be doing and wear­ing over the Eid holiday..

Aysha Man­ahi


What do musi­cians do on Eid? Well, they spend it like any other Pak­istani, mostly tra­di­tion­ally. This Instep Eid sur­vey threw up some sur­pris­ing results. Amanat Ali of Kohram fame is pos­si­bly the most fash­ion con­scious musi­cian going, fol­lowed by Farhan Saeed and Goher Mum­taz of Jal. On the other hand, hard­core rocker Ali Noor is against blow­ing up big bucks for a designer out­fit on Eid. His brother Ali Hamza wears what­ever his mother or grand­mother wants him to and so does Eht­e­sham of ‘Aisi Taisi’ fame. Nearly every­one favours tra­di­tion for a day or two at most and then will get back into their jeans and chill out… except for Uns Mufti who gives out the loud­est rebel yell of all…


Ali Noor (Noori)

I won’t be wear­ing any­thing new on Eid, par­tic­u­larly not design­ers because I think it’s a pathetic idea to waste money on such stuff. Eid is a per­sonal occa­sion and unlike a wed­ding which hap­pens only once, Eid comes every year so we don’t really need to show off on Eid. Apart from relax­ing and spend­ing time with fam­ily, Eid is also for peo­ple who can’t even afford basic liv­ing and clothes, so my per­fect idea for an Eid is to have fun with needy peo­ple. My mes­sage to oth­ers (who are wear­ing design­ers on Eid) is do not waste large amounts of money… instead give it to the ones in need, help­ing them will give you self-satisfaction and the true hap­pi­ness that comes from sharing.

Amanat Ali

This Eid I am dying to have loads of fun and meet my friends and fam­ily I haven’t met for a quite long time. Fol­low­ing tra­di­tion, I am wear­ing a kurta shal­war designed by a very close friend, the very tal­ented Munib Nawaz. For the sec­ond day, I have a gown and a choori­dar pajama along with a spe­cial khussa put together for me by an emerg­ing designer from Karachi, named Shahzeb Qamar; the third day I’ll prob­a­bly wear casual jeans and a T-shirt of Munib Nawaz’s label.

Ali Hamza (Noori)

It’s a fes­ti­val full of cul­ture and tra­di­tion so I will def­i­nitely be wear­ing a kurta shal­war. How­ever, I have never shopped for myself par­tic­u­larly for Eid, so I have no clue about who will be design­ing it. Unless I am shoot­ing, I don’t wear design­ers at all, so my mother or my grand­mother will be send­ing a nice kurta shal­war for me after get­ting it tai­lored accord­ing to tra­di­tion, the way they like it. I believe this occa­sion is all about sen­ti­ments so I am really look­ing for­ward to it, hav­ing qual­ity time with fam­ily and friends and cher­ish my cul­ture and tradition.


Jaf­fer Zaidi (Kaavish)

This Eid I m going to be with my fam­ily and friends like all the other time nor­mally my plans for Eid include relax­ing by mak­ing new tunes. First day will be wear­ing basic shal­war kameez which I will be get­ting on my own and for the rest of the days I’ll be in my casu­als again and on my own.

Shi­raz Uppal

Well this year it’s a lit­tle dif­fer­ent I’m quite excited as my new album Ankahi is releas­ing this Eid. The music video of the new song ‘Rabba’ will have come out on Chand Raat and my sis­ter is com­ing with her fam­ily from Scot­land to cel­e­brate Eid with us so there’s lots of excite­ments Alham­dulil­lah! First day, well just for Eid prayers I will wear a shal­war kurta, most prob­a­bly by Junaid Jamshed, then change back to my usual clothes and that’s Levis. My idea for a more enjoy­able eid is, I try to meet those friends and rel­a­tives espe­cially on eids, whom I haven’t met for a long time so this really makes me happy when I see a smile on their faces.

For the last six years I hardly cel­e­brated Eid in Pak­istan as I was mostly per­form­ing in USA on Eids. But I love to cel­e­brate it in my home town with my entire family.

Fawad Khan (EP)

This Eid I have plans for the nor­mal Eid stuff, start­ing with going for Eid prayers, meet­ing friends and fam­ily on the first day fol­lowed by relax­ing and sleep­ing. For the first day my kurta shal­war is from Khaadi and on the sec­ond and third day I’m going to be in PJs tak­ing full advan­tage of Eid holidays.


Faizan Haqquee

I fol­low a tra­di­tion of bor­row­ing my brother’s kurta shal­war and wear­ing that on Eid, so I don’t have any idea about the designer. The sec­ond day I will revert back to wear­ing some old casual jeans. Ater spend­ing two days with friends and fam­ily, on the third day of Eid I will be fly­ing for my shows to Brazil and other places. I am look­ing for­ward to spend­ing qual­ity time with my loved ones and then enjoy­ing my two-month trip, from the Brazil­ian rain­for­est to Antartica.

Farhan Saeed (Jal)

After a long time I have got a chance to cel­e­brate Eid with my fam­ily and close friends. It’s the best occa­sion to know one’s extended fam­ily; I love to meet all my rel­a­tives on fam­ily get-together and catch up with things. As for wardrobe, well pro­fes­sion­ally I pre­fer Munib Nawaz, but this Eid I am going to get a boski shal­war kameez stitched for myself, for the first day. Sec­ond and third day I will be wear­ing what­ever clicks from my own wardrobe.

Eht­e­sham (Azal)

This Eid is ded­i­cated to my fam­ily and to my music; my dear ones are com­ing from far away this Eid so I’ll be with them. After spend­ing the first day with my fam­ily from sec­ond day onward I’ll be in the stu­dio record­ing our band’s sec­ond album and the video for our sin­gle which is a come­back of ‘Aisi Taisi’. I’ll be wear­ing what­ever my fam­ily wants me to wear specif­i­cally my mom, most prob­a­bly it’s going to be kurta shal­war, then I’ll be back to my jeans and t-shirt. My per­fect idea of Eid is to help other fam­ily mem­bers who can­not afford to make Eid as good as oth­ers’ in order to main­tain a good infra­struc­ture of the fam­ily. Apart from that it’s about spend­ing qual­ity time with my imme­di­ate fam­ily, hug­ging my mom, being admired by all my nephews who think I am a ‘rock star’ and sleep­ing on a couch like a crocodile.


Uns Mufti

I am cel­e­brat­ing this Eid by pump­ing out all the sewage in the sea, reclaim­ing all our national resources sold to other coun­tries for a pit­tance, rid­ding us of Urdu speak­ing Amer­i­cans, and reopen­ing Food Street. I’m also try­ing to fig­ure in a ‘Save Meera for Oth­ers’ drive, but my agent tells me not to con­sort with my ex wives. This Eid I’m wear­ing my heart on my sleeve, that is if I have a sleeve, or a heart for that mat­ter. I only wear female design­ers any chance I get; I’m homo­pho­bic, so wear­ing male design­ers is out of the ques­tion. I’ve found it quite use­ful to look in my closet when search­ing for wear­able clothes. I know it’s a com­pletely ‘out there’ con­cept and most of my friends laugh at me when I tell them, but believe you me the next time you need some­thing to wear, check­out a cup­board near you… you’ll be sur­prised! My idea to enjoy Eid is… well, till about two years ago, I liked to steal chap­pals from mosques around prayer time. Since last year I’ve been hav­ing a ball mug­ging lit­tle kids and tak­ing all their Eidi. I think this year I’m going to go around putting salt and kaali mirch (black pep­per) in any sevaiyyaan I can find.

Goher Mum­taz (Jal)

This Eid I am look­ing for­ward to have a good time com­pletely with my fam­ily, as my father went through heart surgery (by-pass) recently. This Eid is about cheer­ing him up, vis­it­ing my rel­a­tives and hav­ing the deli­cious food cooked by my mother and other fam­ily feasts and get togeth­ers. Sleep­ing is also one of my impor­tant plans. First day I will be wear­ing a blue kurta with a white shal­war with spe­cial chap­pals too, it’s designed by Amir Adnan and it is gift a from some­one spe­cial. Eid is a spe­cial occa­sion, it should be cel­e­brated tra­di­tion­ally, like get­ting Eidi from my elders and since I am not a kid any more so giv­ing Eidi as well, going and meet­ing the fam­ily and friends, hav­ing fun just chat­ting, that is my idea of a mem­o­rable Eid.

Source: Instep

By Hamad Dar

Hey, I am Hamad. I like Rock/Metal music from the 80s. My favorites are Guns n Roses and Pink Floyd. Apart from that i listen to Underground music of Pakistan and try to promote them as much as I can.

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