Rock ‘n’ roll Eid
Musicians tell Instep Today what they’ll be doing and wearing over the Eid holiday..
Aysha Manahi
What do musicians do on Eid? Well, they spend it like any other Pakistani, mostly traditionally. This Instep Eid survey threw up some surprising results. Amanat Ali of Kohram fame is possibly the most fashion conscious musician going, followed by Farhan Saeed and Goher Mumtaz of Jal. On the other hand, hardcore rocker Ali Noor is against blowing up big bucks for a designer outfit on Eid. His brother Ali Hamza wears whatever his mother or grandmother wants him to and so does Ehtesham of ‘Aisi Taisi’ fame. Nearly everyone favours tradition for a day or two at most and then will get back into their jeans and chill out… except for Uns Mufti who gives out the loudest rebel yell of all…
Ali Noor (Noori)
I won’t be wearing anything new on Eid, particularly not designers because I think it’s a pathetic idea to waste money on such stuff. Eid is a personal occasion and unlike a wedding which happens only once, Eid comes every year so we don’t really need to show off on Eid. Apart from relaxing and spending time with family, Eid is also for people who can’t even afford basic living and clothes, so my perfect idea for an Eid is to have fun with needy people. My message to others (who are wearing designers on Eid) is do not waste large amounts of money… instead give it to the ones in need, helping them will give you self-satisfaction and the true happiness that comes from sharing.
Amanat Ali
This Eid I am dying to have loads of fun and meet my friends and family I haven’t met for a quite long time. Following tradition, I am wearing a kurta shalwar designed by a very close friend, the very talented Munib Nawaz. For the second day, I have a gown and a chooridar pajama along with a special khussa put together for me by an emerging designer from Karachi, named Shahzeb Qamar; the third day I’ll probably wear casual jeans and a T-shirt of Munib Nawaz’s label.
Ali Hamza (Noori)
It’s a festival full of culture and tradition so I will definitely be wearing a kurta shalwar. However, I have never shopped for myself particularly for Eid, so I have no clue about who will be designing it. Unless I am shooting, I don’t wear designers at all, so my mother or my grandmother will be sending a nice kurta shalwar for me after getting it tailored according to tradition, the way they like it. I believe this occasion is all about sentiments so I am really looking forward to it, having quality time with family and friends and cherish my culture and tradition.
Jaffer Zaidi (Kaavish)
This Eid I m going to be with my family and friends like all the other time normally my plans for Eid include relaxing by making new tunes. First day will be wearing basic shalwar kameez which I will be getting on my own and for the rest of the days I’ll be in my casuals again and on my own.
Shiraz Uppal
Well this year it’s a little different I’m quite excited as my new album Ankahi is releasing this Eid. The music video of the new song ‘Rabba’ will have come out on Chand Raat and my sister is coming with her family from Scotland to celebrate Eid with us so there’s lots of excitements Alhamdulillah! First day, well just for Eid prayers I will wear a shalwar kurta, most probably by Junaid Jamshed, then change back to my usual clothes and that’s Levis. My idea for a more enjoyable eid is, I try to meet those friends and relatives especially on eids, whom I haven’t met for a long time so this really makes me happy when I see a smile on their faces.
For the last six years I hardly celebrated Eid in Pakistan as I was mostly performing in USA on Eids. But I love to celebrate it in my home town with my entire family.
Fawad Khan (EP)
This Eid I have plans for the normal Eid stuff, starting with going for Eid prayers, meeting friends and family on the first day followed by relaxing and sleeping. For the first day my kurta shalwar is from Khaadi and on the second and third day I’m going to be in PJs taking full advantage of Eid holidays.
Faizan Haqquee
I follow a tradition of borrowing my brother’s kurta shalwar and wearing that on Eid, so I don’t have any idea about the designer. The second day I will revert back to wearing some old casual jeans. Ater spending two days with friends and family, on the third day of Eid I will be flying for my shows to Brazil and other places. I am looking forward to spending quality time with my loved ones and then enjoying my two-month trip, from the Brazilian rainforest to Antartica.
Farhan Saeed (Jal)
After a long time I have got a chance to celebrate Eid with my family and close friends. It’s the best occasion to know one’s extended family; I love to meet all my relatives on family get-together and catch up with things. As for wardrobe, well professionally I prefer Munib Nawaz, but this Eid I am going to get a boski shalwar kameez stitched for myself, for the first day. Second and third day I will be wearing whatever clicks from my own wardrobe.
Ehtesham (Azal)
This Eid is dedicated to my family and to my music; my dear ones are coming from far away this Eid so I’ll be with them. After spending the first day with my family from second day onward I’ll be in the studio recording our band’s second album and the video for our single which is a comeback of ‘Aisi Taisi’. I’ll be wearing whatever my family wants me to wear specifically my mom, most probably it’s going to be kurta shalwar, then I’ll be back to my jeans and t-shirt. My perfect idea of Eid is to help other family members who cannot afford to make Eid as good as others’ in order to maintain a good infrastructure of the family. Apart from that it’s about spending quality time with my immediate family, hugging my mom, being admired by all my nephews who think I am a ‘rock star’ and sleeping on a couch like a crocodile.
Uns Mufti
I am celebrating this Eid by pumping out all the sewage in the sea, reclaiming all our national resources sold to other countries for a pittance, ridding us of Urdu speaking Americans, and reopening Food Street. I’m also trying to figure in a ‘Save Meera for Others’ drive, but my agent tells me not to consort with my ex wives. This Eid I’m wearing my heart on my sleeve, that is if I have a sleeve, or a heart for that matter. I only wear female designers any chance I get; I’m homophobic, so wearing male designers is out of the question. I’ve found it quite useful to look in my closet when searching for wearable clothes. I know it’s a completely ‘out there’ concept and most of my friends laugh at me when I tell them, but believe you me the next time you need something to wear, checkout a cupboard near you… you’ll be surprised! My idea to enjoy Eid is… well, till about two years ago, I liked to steal chappals from mosques around prayer time. Since last year I’ve been having a ball mugging little kids and taking all their Eidi. I think this year I’m going to go around putting salt and kaali mirch (black pepper) in any sevaiyyaan I can find.
Goher Mumtaz (Jal)
This Eid I am looking forward to have a good time completely with my family, as my father went through heart surgery (by-pass) recently. This Eid is about cheering him up, visiting my relatives and having the delicious food cooked by my mother and other family feasts and get togethers. Sleeping is also one of my important plans. First day I will be wearing a blue kurta with a white shalwar with special chappals too, it’s designed by Amir Adnan and it is gift a from someone special. Eid is a special occasion, it should be celebrated traditionally, like getting Eidi from my elders and since I am not a kid any more so giving Eidi as well, going and meeting the family and friends, having fun just chatting, that is my idea of a memorable Eid.
Source: Instep