Nice Name Or No Name?

March 17, 2010

by Hasan Faridi

Is it just me? Or are a minority of band names outdated, cheesy or just boring? It is common sense, and an advantage, to make a meaningful band name that will standout from the crowd. It does stand out from the crowd… when it becomes a laughing matter as I tell my friend the name.

What about CALL the band? Shall I call the band? Entity Paradigm can be hard to pronounce, but it takes a young prodigy to understand it. Oh wait, I don’t understand it either… Just throw the ACID and let it take care of me.

But it gets even better. CALL released a single named “Pukaar”. Later, a band named Pukaar emerged. “Irtiqa” by Entity Paradigm also turned into a band. The band Andher released a single titled “Guna”, when later a band named Gunaah came into the scene. Pure coincidence?

Unfortunately, I assume many people do not realise before they name the group. Such as the new Pakistani band named XFactor that people in the West may mistake for the popular TV entertainment show, X Factor.

This is not a rant, and doesn’t involve music. This is merely to inform. Have a nice name, or it’s probably better to have no name.

What’s the worst band name you have come across in the Pakistani Music Industry?