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Arif Lohar & Meesha Shafi – Alif Allah (Coke Studio Season 3 – Audio/Video)

Arif Lohar & Meesha Shafi – Alif Allah [ Download Audio ] [ Download Video ] [ Lyrics ]

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Title: Alif Allaaha – الف اللہ – The alif of (the name of) Allah

Language: Punjabi

Poetry: Sultan Bahu (c.1628-1691) and others

الف اللہ چمبے دی بوٹی
alif allah chambe di booti
the letter alif of God’s name is a jasmine flower

تے میرے مرشد من وچ لائی ہُو
te mere murshid mann wich laai – hu
and my Guide has planted it in my heart – He!

نفی اثبات دا پانی دے کے
nafi asbaat da paani de ke
watering with the negation and affirmation (no God, but God)

ہر رگے ہر جائی ہُو
har rage har jaai – hu
(watering) each vein and each pore – He!

جگ جگ جیوے میرا مرشد سوہنا
jug jug jeeve mera murshid sohna
may my beautiful Guide live forever

ہتھ جس ایہہ بوٹی لائی ہُو
hath jis eih booti laai – hu
whose hand planted this flower – He!

پیر میریا – جگنی جی
peer meriya – jugni ji
O Pir of mine – Spirit-being!

اے وے الله والیاں دی جگنی جی
ae we allah waaliyaan di jugni ji
indeed, this is the Godly Ones’ Spirit-being!

اے وے نبی پاک دی جگنی جی
ae we nabi paak di jugni ji
indeed, this is the Holy Prophet’s Spirit-being!

اے وے مولا علی والی جگنی جی
ae we maula ali waali jugni ji
indeed, this is the Spirit-being devoted to Ali, the Friend of God!

اے وے میرے پیر دی جگنی جی
ae we mere peer di jugni ji
indeed, this is my Pir’s Spirit-being!

اے وے سرسبز دی جگنی جی
ae we sar-sabaz di jugni ji
indeed, this is the long-living Pir’s Spirit-being!

دم گٹکوں دم گٹکوں
dam gutkoon dam gutkoon
like a dove’s call, with every breath, my heart echoes God’s name

دم گٹکوں گٹکوں کرے سائیں تے کلمہ نبی دا پڑھے سائیں
dam gutkoon gutkoon kare saaeen te kalma nabi da parhe saaeen
with every breath, remembers the Lord and says the kalma of the Prophet

جگنی ترکھائیں وچ تھال
jugni tar khaaeen wich thaal
O Spirit-being, share what you have with others (place your food in a communal dish and eat)

چھڈ دنیا دے جنجال
chad duniya de janjaal
become free of the troubles of the world

کچھ نیں نبھنا بندیاں نال
kuchh neen nibhna bandiyaan naal
it’s not possible to keep faith with humans

جگنی ترکھائیں وچ تھال
jugni tar khaaeen wich thaal
O Spirit-being, share whatever you have with others (place your food in a communal dish and eat)

چھڈ دے دنیا دے جنجال
chad de duniya de janjaal
become free of the troubles of the world

کچھ نیں نبھنا بندیاں نال
kuchh neen nibhna bandiyaan naal
it’s not possible to keep faith with humans

رکھیں ثابت صدق اعمال
rakheen saabat sidq amaal
keep your deeds true and sincere

ونگاں چڑھا لو کڑیوں میرے داتا دے دربار دیاں
wanggaan charha lo kuriyon mere daata de darbaar diyaan
Girls, put on the bangles from the court of my Benefactor (Data Ganj Baksh)

نا کر دھییا کھیڈ پیاری
na kar dheeya khed piyaari
O daughter, don’t revel in love of fun and play

ماں دیندی آ گالڑیاں
maan daindi aa gaalaryaan
Mother gives advice

دن دن ٹلی جوانی جاندی
din din tali jawaani jaandi
with each day, the bloom of youth is waning

جیوں سونا کٹھیالڑیاں
jyoon sona kuthiaalariyaan
as gold in a goldsmith’s crucible

عورت مرد شہزادے سوہنے
aurt mard shahzaade sohne
women and men are beautiful and precious

اوہ موتی اوہ لعلڑیاں
oah moti oah laalariyaan
they are pearls, they are rubies

سر دا صرفہ کرن نا جیڑہے
rakheen saabat sidq amaal
those who don’t care to save their own head

پین پریم پیالڑیاں
peen parem piyaalariyan
drink from the cup of love

داتا دے دربار چ آکھو
daata de darbaar ch aakho
in the court of the Benefactor, come and state your desire

پاون خیر سوالڑیاں
paawan khair sawaalariyan
(He) will grant prosperity to the petitioners

جگنی جی
jugni ji

48 replies on “Arif Lohar & Meesha Shafi – Alif Allah (Coke Studio Season 3 – Audio/Video)”

awesome performance by arif lohar..i was never a fan of lohar sahab but now i am.

Really wonderfull and very beautiful composition/lyrics and joint work,amazing it is.

For me, Arif Lohar stole the night. This performance overshadaowed everyone else’s. Looking forward to the next episode.

The follow up and composition between Arif Lohar and Meesha is excellent, such a lovely performance.

its realy a nice combination of folk & rock i realy love this track i wish that arif and meesha realy deserve for a lot of appriciation by all over the world of listners.

Awsome performance, no one one can sing like this, thought provoking. Keep it up God bless you.

wow great superb…sufiana kalam realy touches heart

jeevay murshid kamil BAHU……

too eveary one Really wonderfull and very beautiful composition/lyrics and joint coke studio work,amazing it is fantastic Keep it up God bless you.

Aiesh ali 03002390660
[email protected]

its simply the great and the moment i start listen this composition i cant stop me to do dhamal. ever best proformance, GEO LOHAR JI, and if it is posible send me invitation of any of your coming concert as it my right on you that i am from Gujrat.

Meesha is not looking that she is singing a sofi kalam she is looking a pop star she not sing a pop she sing a sofi kalam so she must take care about our values and morals

Both are so exellant. i like a very much arif lohar and meesha shafi. i pray to god that may they live long.

Arif Lohar is a wonderfull singer in folk singing and this song dam gutku is a nice song i like this and Meesha has seen in seperat color best of luck

Mohammad Rashid

Holy shit this just blew me away, Arif’s voice is so surreal! Oh btw respect from Patiala Punjab

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