The “Find Heaven” Anime Project

October 1, 2010

Animated Dialogue Between The West And The Muslim World

A project to bring closer the Islamic and western societies. To donate

Daniyal Noorani, the musician and director behind the project “Find Heaven“, a music video which addresses the radicalization and Taliban militancy taking place in Pakistan.

He is using music and animation to bridge the communication gap between the Muslim world and the West. The hope is that this will stir up dialogue and move people to learn more about the two worlds.


The conflict between the West and the Muslim world has reached an all time high. We cannot afford to live in a world where people tolerate the burning of sacred items such as the Quran or the American flag. For this reason, we need to use whatever means of communication possible to bring the two sides closer together and make them understand each other better. Music and animation are forms of communications that transcends borders and they can help create a more nuanced opinion that is not as black and white as “All Muslims are terrorists” or “All Americans are evil”.


He will be creating animated videos, with the help of a passionate team in Pakistan, that will address a number of issues such as extremism, militancy, hypocrisy, women’s rights, etc and try to provide insight to these issues in an entertaining manner.

Listed below is some of the content that will be produced by the Find Heaven team:

1. Cover up
Cover up is a song which takes a satirical approach to highlight how extremists claim that the onus of safeguarding “modesty” lies completely on women, and how they bear no responsibility for their own actions.

2. Reluctant Terrorist
“Reluctant Terrorist” conveys the flip side of “Find Heaven.” It highlights some of the history of how the Taliban and extremism have come about in the shape it is today. The song explores US involvement in supporting the Taliban initially, and the disillusionment the Taliban felt when the US abandoned them in the 1980’s.

3. The Stories of Chota Jatt (Young Jatt): Teaser Episode
The stories of Young Jatt is going to be Pakistan’s first anime series. Young Jatt is based on a mythical character in Pakistan, who can withstand a dozen bullets, jump off from tall buildings, travels miles in an instant on his horse, even though he is just a mere mortal. Jatt fights extremism, corruptions and all other evils scene in Pakistani society. The hope is that through this anime, we will be able to address some of the issues plaguing Pakistan, as well as highlight its rich culture.

4. Record the Find Heaven album
Record the music that is needed for the animations, as well as other songs for the “Find Heaven” album.

Also read his Huffington Post Aritcle “Animated Dialogue Between The West And The Muslim World

To successfully achieve this project, they require a total budget of $10,000. Yes yes… we know that is a lot of money… but compared to other Kickstarter projects where you just finance one project, you are actually funding 4 projects!!! And you can receive 4 times the goodies!!! This is possible as the work will be done by a passionate team in Pakistan, where production is pretty inexpensive. With this amount they will be able to produce their 2 animated projects, the teaser for the Stories of Chota Jatt and record the “Find Heaven” album.

Note: Please add $15 for all international orders here.

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Project location: Boston, MA