Flam! – Shab-e-Hijr (Download Audio)

Flam – Shab-e-Hijr (Download Audio)

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Artist: Flam!

Song: Shab-e-Hijr

Composition: Saad Khaleel, Anes Jaleel Ahmed, Waqas Aman, Ali Hasan, Owais Ahmed, Farhad Khalid, Ali Ahsen, Sohaib Ali Khan.

Lyrics: Anes Jaleel Ahmed

Producer: Rahail Siddiqui

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Info: “Shab-e-Hijr” literally translates as “night of separation”. The song, however, speaks of deeper situations than that. Generally about hopelessness and despair; it explores how we as humans, often in the depths of misery, turn to God and ask Him why we are in the situation we are.

Written and composed originally by Anes and Waqas approximately 5 years ago when they were both in college; this song has evolved far beyond the simple heartbreak themes it may have been associated with originally. Taking into account the increasing turbulence in the world today, we find more and more people losing hope and wondering why they are facing such circumstances. Everything, ranging from victims of violence and terrorism, to those affected severely by economic downturns can evoke such questions. Taking up the song from the basics put together all those years ago, Flam! gives this song its current, evolved shape and tries to speak for all of those people, wherever and whoever they may be.

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Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/flamtastic
Youtube:   http://www.youtube.com/user/flamnation