Wateen Tops Another Chart, Plagiarization

October 12, 2010

When writing a blog online, we need to embrace the fact that it’s going to get copied and it’s going to get copied a lot. And since we already have embraced the fact, we let our stories and content go, well, sort of. We like our words being spread, even if that’s the way they get it. However, it starts to itch us a bit when that goes way out of the hands.

We usually let people use our content (even word to word) requiring a credit link, just to credit our efforts there (even though it still causes us losses monetarily). But not everyone writes to us to ask, or puts the credit  link, we usually let that go too, unless it’s someone who shouldn’t really be doing that, or does it too often.

Wateen has finally made it to the latter category. Almost all the content that makes it way to the “Wateen’s Infotainment Portal” is scrapped off from blogs around the globe. We can put countless links here for reference which have been taken off from koolmuzone and there are again countless which  are being taken off from other similar blogs and for some reason, they didn’t find it serious enough to write us back, when we contacted them through their contact form.

Below are few of the links which have recently been scrapped off from koolmuzone