Watch Mangoes Full Episode 2 – The FOB.
Synopsis: Rakay meets his childhood sweetheart, Kiran, after 12 long years and makes a surprising discovery about himself. Sami fills in the blanks for Rakay while Asha is stalked by the over friendly Mark.
What did you like about the second episode? Did Rakay make a good first impression? Can Sami be notorious sometimes? Did Asha teach Mark a lesson to not stalk South Asian girls?
Director: Khurram Suhrwardy
Producer/Writer: Adeel & Khurram Suhrwardy
Cast: Adeel Suhrwardy, Khurram Suhrwardy, Maha Warsi, Anokhi Dalvi, Shoba Hatte, Sohail Hashmi, Jessica Siegner, Sharjeel Arif Butt
Presented by mobilicity.
One reply on “Mangoes Episode 2 – The FOB (Video)”
Hilarious! Very very funny. Love it, please post all episodes.