Reviews Underground

Sharique Roomi – Yakeen (Album Review)

articl1_1Artist: Sharique Roomi
Album: Yakeen**

Sharique Roomi’s Yakeen should have ideally been titled: “Sharique Roomi and Kashan Admani”. For one thing, Kashan Admani (Mizmaar guitarist/producer) has played guitars and bass on almost every song except ‘Sab Darwaze’.

Come to the album inlay and it is as disappointing as it gets.

Every song has the same combination of guitars, bass and drums thrown in together.

Rap/HipHop Reviews

Outlandish – Sound of A Rebel (Rolling Stone Album Review)

outlandishRolling Stone Rating :

Rebelling with a new beat

Four years after wowing the Indian audiences with their rendition of Khaled’s ‘Aicha,’ Outlandish is back with an album that is definitely worth the wait. This two CD set comes with 12 new songs and 7 songs remixes of songs from their old albums – including a remix of ‘Aicha,’ and original recordings of ‘Walou’ and ‘Guantanamo’ from Bread and Barrels of Water – and features a whole slew of artists that listeners should be on the lookout for in a few years to come.


Zameer – Under The Bleachers (Album Review)

Zameer under the bleachersShe Had a smile
That Stayed A while
Every Night with Her
Brought Me Sunshine

If you hear the above the opening lines to a song, I am sure, you would want to hear the rest of the song too. These lines have been taken from the song First Love, from the album From Under The Bleachers.
An interesting thing about of the albums name is that it appears in 3 songs in the name, putting the listener in a doubt about which track is the title track, or it could be that the reason for the naming the album are the tracks.
Back to the song, First Love, it also has a complete-r fuller Urdu version (not on the album) called Yaad which you can watch here


Mauj – Now In Technicolor (KM Album Review)

mauj-album-coverArtist Name : Mauj
Album Name: Now in Technicolor (I still doubt this name, though)
Reason for mentioning the above: Album Review, Of Course.

Since there are no online music stores valid for Qatar, I had to use the services of my brother to download the album, burn it and send it across to me along with “Zameer :From Under The Bleachers”, both of which have yet to be released in Pakistan, my usual resource for attaining
The music which I do.

Female Artists Reviews

Coke Studio – Episode 4 Spirit (Review)

Inmusic: Spirit of the Studio
By Khaver Siddiqi

Atif Aslam

Two more episodes than the previous season and nearly twice as many artistes from last time round, the sheer awe factor of the C-Studio 2 artistes is undeniable. You have to give credit to them for not only experimenting with their own numbers but tackling new ones, too.


Free Licenses Giveaway: RadioTracker, Download Free Legal Music

Being a musician and a tech blogger, I love to review music related applications and softwares. Few days back I reviewed “Guitar Rig” to convert your computer into full-fledged rock machine. Today I will be reviewing “RadioTracker” an award winning application by RapidSoultion, which allows you to download music legally.


Kaavish – Gunkali [Album Preview]

KaavishInMusic: Kaavish: Full circle, at last

Kaavish are finally ready to release the album that has been in the making for about six years. Once can only imagine the efforts put in by Maaz Maudood and Jaffer Zaidi (also former member Raheel Manzar Paul) for these past years, along with their current producer, Faisal Rafi. As a producer, Rafi was the captain of the ship that is Gunkali, so why did it take so long to reach the harbour of listeners? “The album in essence was redone; the original had been done in Jaffer’s home studio. Anything that is redone usually takes twice the time so that justice can be done to the original compositions.”

Female Artists Reviews

Hadiqa Kiani – Aasmaan [Album Review]

Hadiqa Aasmaan coverReinventing the Hadiqa wheel
Hadiqa returns with an experimental, trendy and catchy new record, Aasmaan that picks up from where she left off. Instep lends an ear…

By Maheen Sabeeh
Artist: Hadiqa Kiani
Album: Aasmaan

Where did you go?
Hadiqa Kiani has been away for six years. It is a big break for a mainstream artist like Hadiqa. And now she has returned.


Mauj – Now In Technicolor [Album Review]

Omran Shafique
Omran Shafique
There are two reasons why Now in Technicolour is annoying: the first is that it comes after a rather long time. If memory serves me right, it was slated for a Spring 2008 release and so it is a full year later that the album makes it to the streets. Often, such a long wait either makes people completely apathetic to the release itself, or it manages to generate unfavourable levels of hype and expectations. The second is just how staggeringly good the minds that make up Mauj can be when things click together.


Schaz Khan — Jalan (Albumreview)


Speaking about the album, Schaz reveals that at its core Jalan is about herself. “I’ve written the tracks myself. I’m a very down-to-earth person and this album is about loving, enjoying the feeling and ultimately about losing. It’s about all the difference situations of being in love.”

By Khaver Siddiqi

“It’s taken me six years to finish this album,” says Schaz Khan, her voice filled with determination, her words echoing the hard work she’s put in.