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Quaid Se Baaten Episode 02 (Video)

Check out Quaid Se Baaten Episode 02 – Without unity, we cannot move forward. In the episode Zainab is told not to play with her friend Sara because she is “different” from her. Watch the episode to see what Zainab will do!

Quaid Se Baaten is a fun animated series about a young girl named Zainab, a spirited girl, full of life, who is always thinking of ways to help and better Pakistan. In each episode she encounters a problem, which she then solves by remembering the words and actions of Quaid-e-Azam.

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Quaid Se Baaten Episode 01 (Video)

Check out Quaid Se Baaten Episode 01 – To change Pakistan, we have to take the first step ourselves.

Quaid Se Baaten is a fun animated series about a young girl named Zainab, a spirited girl, full of life, who is always thinking of ways to help and better Pakistan. In each episode she encounters a problem, which she then solves by remembering the words and actions of Quaid-e-Azam.

Featured Underground Videos

Daniyal Noorani – Practical Love (Official Music Video)

Artist: Daniyal Noorani

Song: Practical Love

A practical love song, written and composed by Daniyal Noorani.

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Daniyal Noorani – Own2Feet (Audio / Video)

Daniyal Noorani – Own2Feet (Download Audio)

Artist: Daniyal Noorani

Song: Own2Feet

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Own2Feet tells the story of dysfunctional partners and highlights some of the issues observed in US-Pak relations.

Interviews & Radio Underground

Daniyal Noorani Talks About the ‘Find Heaven’ Project with TIME [Interview]

Musician and writer Daniyal Noorani created animated cartoons that took on Islamic extremism in Pakistan. But even though their message was peaceful, TV stations there would not run them. Noorani looks forward to bridge the gap between the East and the West. He serves up a mean mash-up and controversial video when he’s not busy being lazy.

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The “Find Heaven” Anime Project

Animated Dialogue Between The West And The Muslim World

A project to bring closer the Islamic and western societies. To donate

Daniyal Noorani, the musician and director behind the project “Find Heaven“, a music video which addresses the radicalization and Taliban militancy taking place in Pakistan.

He is using music and animation to bridge the communication gap between the Muslim world and the West. The hope is that this will stir up dialogue and move people to learn more about the two worlds.

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Daniyal Noorani – Jannat Pao Gaye (Find Heaven’s Urdu Version)

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Download Find Heaven (Original Version)

Interviews & Radio

A Truly Divergent Message: Find Heaven by Daniyal Noorani (Inteview)


Sadaf Fayyaz

Daniyal shares his views on his debut Find Heaven with koolmuzone. Besides depicting a love or peace kind of message in his music, he has made a song on an entirely different and serious issue. After a very long time, something out-of-the-box has come up.

Tell something about your education and background.

Daniyal: I grew up in Lahore and did my schooling from Aitchison College. After that I went to a small liberal arts college called Lawrence University in Appleton, Wisconsin. I managed to live with people from every major religion while I was in college and I learnt a lot from them. I graduated with a Math and Economics double major and I am currently doing Business Development at a biotech firm in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

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Daniyal Noorani – Find Heaven (Download Audio / Video)

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The video tells the story of a confused young man seeking answers about lifes important questions and shows how an individual lures this young man by telling him that he has the answer to lifes ultimate question, how to find heaven. We see the young mans journey and the events that lead to the conclusion he comes to.