
Ali Noor’s Blog – Slumdog Millionaire: A Disappointment!

Slumdog Millionaire: A Disappointment!
Slumdog Millionaire Poster
Just finished watching Slumdog Millionaire. What the hell was it?

I try my best to be pretty less critical about most of the stuff I see. I even watched 8 seasons of “Charmed” and have enjoyed lots of chick flicks….

I went to cinemas in Delhi and saw movies that I would never dare to buy as DVDs in Pakistan, and still came out feeling my money’s well spent, if not for anything but the impact and ambience of the cinema hall and sound etc.

But with this movie I simply felt disturbed. Please don’t for a minute think that the depiction of the slums disturbed me. I have been to India enough to breathe the poverty in (one big reason why my love for Pakistan just does not cease to diminish) .

..what was it it…i can’t seem to place it…

For starters the movie is surely too damn overrated. Secondly I smell serious propaganda here… is this a primer of the “real” India for the West?