Featured Videos

Arieb Azhar – Shaam e Qalandar (Official Music Video)

Artist: Arieb Azhar

Song: Shaam e Qalandar

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Featured Lyrics Underground Videos

Saturn ft. Arieb Azhar – Kuch Khaas (Official Music Video)

Artist: Saturn

Song: Kuch Khaas

Special thanks to Arieb Azhar and Salman Ali


Concerts/Tours News

Noori Get Their Voice Heard On BBC 5

By Hasan Faridi

Legendary Pakistani rock group Noori flew on a long journey to the U.S prior to their gig at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. Who knew they’d also fly through the airwaves in the UK too?

Likewise, Noori scored an interview with presenter Giles Dilnot in BBC 5’s “Up all Night” show.

Even though the interview was less than 5 minutes in length, Ali Noor had a good chance to speak out about the current climate of the Pakistani music industry and the event itself.

Concerts/Tours News

Noori All Set for their First Ever US Tour

It’s been almost a year a half since the band applied to be part of this initiative. It was sometime in June last year that Noori got selected to be part of the program. It has taken a whole year to work out the details and now Noori is ready to share them.

The Program:

Sponsored by the US Deptt. of State and designed by the New England Foundation for the Arts (NEFA) in collaboration with Lisa Booth Management (Tour Managers) and Rock Paper Scissors (Media PR), Center Stage is a 6 month long program aiming at Cultural Diplomacy.

Concerts/Tours Underground Videos

Flood Relief Concert at Kuch Khaas – October 2011 (Concert Videos)

IPAC Sindhi folk artists and Quratulain Baloch (QB) rocked the show along with Arieb Azhar and Yasir & Jawad. This fund raising concert was organised by IPAC, Juvenile Dignitaries, Sonic Peacemakers and Kuch Khaas to support the flood relief efforts of Comprehensive Disaster Response Services (CDRS). Here are some of the videos of the event, shot by Junaid Zaman Malik:

Concerts/Tours Female Artists Pictures

Arieb Azhar, QB, Yasir & Jawad, Todd Shea & Other Artists at Kuch Khaas (Concert Pictures)

Click on the Image to View Gallery

IPAC folk artists Iqbal Baloch, Amb Jogi and Mai Nimani group rocked the show along with Todd Shea, Quratulain Baloch (QB), Arieb Azhar and Yasir & Jawad.

IPAC, Juvenile Dignitaries, Sonic Peacemakers and Kuch Khaas organized this fund raising concert to support the flood relief efforts of Comprehensive Disaster Response Services (CDRS). Since the end of September, CDRS has been working to provide free medical treatment and medical supplies to the flood victims in all the affected areas of Sindh. Here are some of the pictures of the event:

Featured Videos

Arieb Azhar – Fikr-e-Insaan (Official Video)

Artist: Arieb Azhar

Song: Fikr-e-Insaan

Info: Performed and written for Aman Ittehad. The peace rallies were held on 1-1-2011 in 109 locations across Pakistan. Arieb performed live at the Islamabad rally. A peace festival is planned in March.

Featured Videos

Arieb Azhar – Hum Charsi Bhangi Hein (Live Video)

Interviews & Radio

Music Machine and Their Hunt for Artists (Interview)

Music Machine is an organization dedicated to the development of the local music Industry. They have arranged some of the best underground acts in past few months with artists like Co-VEN, Malang Party, Poor Rich Boy, TakaTak, Shahzad Hameed, The Others, Odyssey, Bambu Sauce, Arieb Azhar etc and they thrive to hunt for more.

So, we sat down with them and asked them a couple of questions about them and how underground artists could really benefit from Music Machine in getting paid gigs.

What is the Music Machine?

It’s an organization dedicated to the development of the local  music industry. We believe that a thriving local scene is the foundation upon which  any healthy music industry rests, it is this sector of the industry, that we also find  as being the most under-developed in Pakistan.

Featured Patriotic Videos

Arieb Azhar – Mere Des (Official Music Video)

Artist: Arieb Azhar

Song: Mere Des

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