News Underground

GmH Records Presents Underground Chaos Volume I

GmHGasmask Holocaust Records was founded in May, 2008 with the sole purpose of helping the local underground bands and the Pakistan Underground to grow and spread their music locally and beyond Pakistan’s borders. GmH supports all bands and artists playing all styles of metal, obscure ambiance, drone, punk/crust/d-beat.

GmH has released its first volume now. The album is based on 2 CDs featuring 22 underground bands. The album costs 250 RS only with 2 CDs and a poster.

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Dementia – Try to die

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Dementia – Sworn Annihilation, The Plague


Sworn Annihilation
The Plague

  • Members:

Farhan Javed (j5) (Guitars)
Raza Ali (Guitars)
Hassan Mir (Bass)
Omar Shahid (Vocals)

Support the band by joining their Facebook Page
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Jaloos – A prog rock band from Canada

jaloosJaloos is a band from Canada. Omar (Guitars) and Hamza (Sequencing/Mixing). Our music sounds to be progressive rock with a possession of dark abstracts. The literal meaning of Jaloos is procession. Though, Jaloos can be defined in many different ways. It could mean rallying, assemblage, coming together as a group. So we as a band are trying to relate our music with the anger of a large number of people, gathering in a large scale on streets and avenues to form a Jaloos.

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