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Artist: Zeeshan Hayat [Feedback]
Mixing & Mastering: DigiPro Studio

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Artist: Zeeshan Hayat [Feedback]
Mixing & Mastering: DigiPro Studio
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Song: Mera Pyar [Amir Zaki Cover]
Produced by: Zeeshan Hayat
More by Feedback [Zeeshan Hayat]
Sadaf Fayyaz speaks to upcoming musician, singer, song writer and producer Zeeshan Hayat of “Feedback”, about his latest song “Aankhon Mein” and explores some interesting facts regarding his music.
Q1. Tell us something about your background and education.
Zeeshan: I have done my B.com from Islamia College and hold a fine arts degree too. Besides music, I am an interior decorator too and have worked on some official projects as well. Basically I am Urdu-speaking. I have my own café in Defence too. Besides this, I have also worked as sound engineer. I have my own studio too.
More from Feedback (Zeeshan Hayat)
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Ankho Mein, Mera Pyar [Amir Zaki Cover], Chehra, Mausam [Audio / Video], Iltija [Junoon Cover]
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Mera Pyar [Amir Zaki Cover], Chehra, Mausam [Audio / Video], Iltija [Junoon Cover]
Zeeshan is the lead vocalist of a band “Feedback” He owns a A-Class Studio in Karachi.
Artist: Zeeshan Hayat
Song: Iltija [Junoon Cover]
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