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Laila O Laila – Rostam Mirlashari, Coke Studio Season 6 Episode 4

Rostam Mirlashari – Laila O Laila [ Download Audio ]


Rostam Mirlashari


Laila O Laila – Laila, O beautiful Laila — لیلیٰ ءُ لیلیٰ

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Song Info

Upon the journey of tracing one’s roots, Coke Studio had the pleasure of connecting with music from across the border – in bridging the great tradition of Balochi music with its family across the border in Iran. In walks Rostam Mirlashari, a Balochi from Iran with his rendition of the folk song ‘Laila O Laila’ – a song found in our part of Balochistan as well, demonstrating that while borders may have been put in place, cultures, traditions and heritages remain intact. The song itself is a simple, happy, love song in the pursuit of meeting with the object of one’s Love, in this case, Laila. The instrumentation is reminiscent of folklore and simpler times where music was used in the form of oral tradition, which is complemented by instruments such as the Accordion as well as the Balochi Dumboora. In connecting the elements of the music, one cannot help but notice just how instruments such as Norway’s Hardanger Fiddle find their place within the flow of the song indicating that the sounds that we hear across the globe are harmonious in the subtlest of ways. ‘Laila O Laila’ is a song that finds its home where there are those to connect with it. Past all borders, it begs for us to look deeper when understanding the idea of what is ours.

Lyrics of Laila O Laila:



لیلیٰ ءُ لیلیٰ
laila u laila
Laila, O beautiful Laila

بیا تر ءَ برانت سیل ءَ
bya tar a baraant sail a
Come, let me take you to see the sights

مجازی انت لیلیٰ
mijaazi ent laila
O high and mighty Laila

مجازی انت لیلیٰ
mijaazi ent laila
O high and mighty Laila

تو شت ءِ دیر کت
to shut e der kut
It’s been so long and you haven’t returned

زھیراں من ءَ کور کت
zaheeraan man a koor kut
Your memories have made me go blind with weeping

مجازی انت لیلیٰ
mijaazi ent laila
O high and mighty Laila

مجازی انت لیلیٰ
mijaazi ent laila
O high and mighty Laila

لیلیٰ ءُ لیلیٰ
laila u laila
Laila, O beautiful Laila

تئی سرے قید ءَ
tai sare qaid a
The beauty of your forehead ornament…

کتگ من ءَ شیدا
kutag mana shaida
Has made me fall madly in love with you

کتگ من ءَ شیدا
kutag mana shaida
Has made me fall madly in love with you

تئی سر ءِ دوری
tai sar e doori
The sorrow of your separation…

مئے چمّانی کوری
mae chammaani koori
Has made my eyes go blind with tears

تو شت ءِ پاری
to shut e paari
It’s been a year since you went away

من کشّتگ واری
man kushitag waari
And I have suffered so much grief

اے ڈگار پلکیں
ae ḍagaar pulken
This land is fertile and abundant

کوئٹہ مئے ملک انت
koeṭah mae mulk ent
And Quetta is our home

گیوارتئی ساپ انت
geewaartai saap ent
The parting of your hair is so clear and exquisite

دل منی آپ انت
dil mani aap ent
That my heart just melts to see it

لیلیٰ ءُ لیلیٰ
laila u laila
Laila, O beautiful Laila

لیلیٰ شنک لیلیٰ
laila shanko laila
Laila, I willingly give up my life for you

لیلیٰ ءُ لیلیٰ
laila u laila
Laila, O beautiful Laila

لیلیٰ ءُ وشّیں لیلیٰ
laila u washe ent laila
Laila, O sweet Laila

Performance Credits

Serbian House Band

Goran Antovic | Piano, Keyboards
Branko Trijic | Guitar – Acoustic and Electric
Dejan Antovic | Bass, Electric Upright
Jovan Satric | Drums


Babar Ali Khanna

Hardanger Fiddle

Anne Hytta


Fida Baloch


Miloš Punišić

Balochi Backing Vocals

Master Sheeraz Ali Sabzal
Mohammad Ali Osman Baloch
Shaukat Ali

String Orchestra

Tijana Milosević
Tea Balint
Svetlana Stančev
Predrag Žikić
Selena Jakovljević
Slavica Perić
Tamara Živković


Boris Brezovac
Aleksandra Damnjanović


Julijana Marković
Katarina Stanković

Upright Bass

Srdjan Djordjević

Backing Vocal

Rachel Viccaji
Zoe Viccaji

All Coke Studio content provided by and copyright of Frequency Media

Laila O Laila - Rostam Mirlashari