On 9th of September, Mr. Fahd Khan, Associate Manager, Geo TV on a telephonic conversation claimed rights on some of the content that is being distributed freely on this site. Complying with them, I asked them to e-mail me the details along with the link, so, I may review and take actions. The email consisted of the links to “Rona Chor Diya by Zeb and Haniya (Cokestudio version)”. I responded back with details that they are trying to claim rights on Cokestudio content. I was replied back by Mr. Fahd that the content is protected under law and Fire Records are the right owners. Being unsure, I requested Mr. Fahd to look again in to the matter if removal is mandatory. I was responded back today, that yes, it has to be taken off. Complying with the record label, I took off the content and tried to look in to the matter myself. On looking in to it, I realized “Frequency Media” are the right owners of the content. I was confused and curious about the continuous warnings from the Fire Records. Why would Fire Records claim rights on the content which is property of “Frequency Media”?
Tag: Geo tv