Female Artists Pictures Tv Shows

Coke Studio Season 3 – Press Conference (Pictures)

Omran Shafique with Fawad Khan of EP - Coke Studio Season 3

Karachi, 14 May – After the unprecedented national and international acclaim of seasons one and two, Coke Studio‘s this season was announced and revealed at a press conference introducing a new artist line up, spiritual music, an innovative house band, a reinvented set and an inspiring new series of performances and episodes to be broadcast across Pakistan this summer.

Female Artists Pictures Tv Shows

Introduction to Coke Studio Season 3 Artists and House Band (Press Book)

See All Coke Studio Season 3 Pictures

Female Artists Pictures Tv Shows

Coke Studio Season 3 (Pictures)

All Photos are copyrighted by Coke Studio, Kohi Marri and Rizwan-ul-Haq

See All Coke Studio Season 3 Pictures

Pictures from the complete season 3, HQ images for each performance will be added in a day or two.

Saba Sabbir in Coke Studio Season 3
Click on the image to see all pictures


Lineup of Coke Studio Season 3 (Complete)

See All Coke Studio Season 3 Pictures

A rich fusion of culture, tradition and history, Pakistani music is derived from diverse elements and various musical influences. Within this dynamic musical environment, Coke Studio has emerged as a musical fusion platform of exciting elements and influences, ranging from traditional eastern, modern western and regionally inspired music coming together to form a distinctive Pakistani sound. Bringing alive the magic of live recordings and performances, Coke Studio prides itself on providing a musical platform which seeks to bridge barriers, celebrate diversity, encourage unity and instil a sense of Pakistani pride. Coke Studio is indeed an inspired step by Coca-Cola for having created a platform where renowned as well as upcoming and less mainstream musicians from various genres can collaborate musically.

Join the Coke Studio journey, as we broaden our horizons to encompass a wider circle — an expanding sphere of diversity, culture and tradition. Central to our third edition is the need to explore the intricacies of inspiration, creation and evolution, and to discover how the elements of reason, will, resolve and form come together and culminate in the realization of dreams and goals. True to the desire to retain and revere individuality, Coke Studio’s wings span the entire breadth and length of our soil: from the rugged custodians of the Sufic tradition to suave urbane men and women, from indigenous ballads to universal kalams. This season as the wheel rotates, a growing palette of unique colors, flavors and sounds come together and contribute to enrich the Coke Studio circle. Come and be a part of the sea change as once again we connect distinct and varied styles, ethnicities and identities and link them with that one common denominator — Music.

Featured Artists:

Abida Parveen
Amanat Ali
Arieb Azhar
Arif Lohar
Aunty Disco Project (A.D.P)
Entity Paradigm (E.P)
Fakir Juman Shah
Meesha Shafi (Overload)
Noori (with parents Ali Kazim and Noor Zehra Kazim)
Rizwan and Muazzam
Sanam Marvi
Tina Sani
Zeb & Haniya

House Band:

News Pictures

EP | Stills from EP’s Video Shoot

These days the Band EP – Entity Paradigm is busy in recording their video. Here are some of the pictures of that video Shoot.

Articles Concerts/Tours News

eP’s Absence From Comeback Concert Sparks Violence – Organizers to Blame

The article below is a guest post by one of my friends, Awais Imran.

ep_qayaasIn a completely unexpected shock to dedicated fans, one of Pakistan’s most popular rock bands: entityParadigm, who were going to make the long-awaited comeback on 28th of June ’09, did not play at their gig at the concert held last night at Lok Virsa open theater, Islamabad.

Concert-goers were highly frustrated. Fans of the rock band had patiently waited till midnight. However, after being told to wait for 20 minutes at approximately 12:30AM, the crowd resorted to breaking the music equipment including Qayaas’ drum-kit, the speaker system and the stage itself.

In response to the violence, Fawad Afzal Khan of eP responded by stating, “it is due to miss management of the organizers eP was not able to perform tonight. Hoping for a true concert really soon! Sorry everyone…”

In another statement from his Facebook profile, Fawad stated, “Managment didnt let us preform and were screwed up.. We were ready, but they caused issues”


Entity Paradigm [eP] to release thier second album in December ’09

ep-album-coverEP’s comeback gig

Who doesn’t remember eP (Entity Paradigm)? It was a band that was an amalgamation of two underground bands from Lahore (Entity and Paradigm) which competed in the Battle of the Bands several years ago and walked away from it as semi-finalists (Aaroh won the competition). They subsequently released their debut album Irtiqa, a concept album, which was well received by music aficionados.