Articles News

Omar Khalid Leaves the Aunty Disco Project [ADP]

By Omar Bilal Aktar ‘OBA’

Omar KhalidIt’s time I confirmed what many people have suspected, that Omar Khalid, the drummer and founding member of Aunty Disco Project has left the band.

Usually when somebody leaves the band there are rumors of an acrimonious split, whispers of fights and clashing egos. Then each party issues some sort of statement with the usual ‘creative differences’ being listed and how they wish each other well etc. I want to make clear that this truly wasn’t the case with OK leaving.

There were several reasons contributing, but the most prevalent one is that OK’s life plans simply couldn’t accommodate being part of a band full-time. He won’t be in Karachi much longer and he simply couldn’t carry on with us the way we were.


ADP Blog Entry – The Blog Returns

You know, sometimes when there is so much happening, you really don’t know what to blog about first. In the end, you end up blogging about nothing. So here I am, all apologies, getting back to blogging. A lot has happened in the past month, but there is some extremely exciting stuff coming up for ADP. Things are finally looking up for us after a pretty dry run. So here goes.

1) Omar Khalid got married

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Aunty Disco Project [A.D.P] – KM Exclusive

theauntydiscoprojectTrack Listing


ADP’s Blog Entry – The Great LUMS Trip: Part 2

The Great LUMS Trip: Part 2

11:00 AM: The blinding sunlight of Lahore makes me wake up. It’s a slow and lazy morning. I look around and laugh because I have a room all to myself, while the other guys are slutting it up in the other rooms. I guffaw victoriously and prance.


StarBytes: Ali Hamza founded the Music Society of LUMS, Shahram Azhar studied there and tomorrow… they will play there!

We do need an education!
Ali Hamza founded the Music Society of LUMS, Shahram Azhar studied there and tomorrow… they will play there!

The Lahore University of Management Sciences is going great guns in more ways than one. Apart from garnering a a reputation as one of the finest institutions in the country, they also have a great interest in culture. Known to be an institution that churns out corporate types, they look all set to put that stereotype to rest as the Music Society of LUMS get’s set to celebrate its tenth anniversary today.

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Aunty Disco Project (ADP): Audios and Videos

Aunty Disco Project [ADP]ADP is struggling rock band from Karachi, Pakistan. ADP is Omar Bilal Akhtar (OBA – Vocals/Guitars/ Bass), Omar Khalid (OK – Drums/Guitar) and Yasir Qureshi (Darbuka/ Percussion). ADP is one of my favorite bands of today. Imran Lodhi was previous vocalist of ADP. He is working on his solo album these days. One of the reasons for their popularity was darbuka madness that Yasir Qureshi used to make. I really like their stuff a lot and I rate them above most of the underground bands of today. Nazar and Sultanat is recommended stuff even though I like all of their songs.

Aunty Disco Project media:


Imran Lodhi’s media:


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