Featured Patriotic Videos

Asif Sinan – National Anthem – Eastern Classical Style (Video)

Artist: Asif Sinan

Song: Pakistan National Anthem (Eastern Classical Style)

Composed, Arranged and Played by Asif Sinan

Directed by Fayyaz Ahmed

Asif Sinan’s unique interpretation of Pakistan’s National Anthem. Performed in purely eastern classical style but on a modern instrument, this version of the anthem is haunting, melodic and reinforces our feeling of love and patriotism for this beautiful country that has given us so much and made us who we are! Thank you Pakistan!

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Mekaal Hasan Band – Pakistan National Anthem (The Taming of the Shrew Music Score)

Artist: Mekaal Hasan Band

Song: Pakistan National Anthem

The Taming of the Shrew music score is proudly presented here. Here’s what Mekaal Hasan has to say, “We are most thankful for the opportunity to represent Pakistan at such a prestigious venue and dedicate the following music to all of you who supported us.”

Take a listen to the song below:

Featured Patriotic Videos

Atomic Chain – Pakistan National Anthem [Remix]

Artist: Atomic Chain

Song: Pakistan National Anthem [Remix]

Concerts/Tours Videos

Pakistan National Anthem At The UN By Salman Ahmad (Video)


Ladies Singing National Anthem: Enlighten Moderation of Pakistan

Saw this video at Facebook few days back, found it worth sharing.


Ali Azmat – Pakistan National Anthem

More by Ali Azmat