Downloads Featured Female Artists Rap/HipHop Underground

Rap Engineers feat. Lil Sim – Crime Scene [KM Xclusive]

rap-engineersThe song including lyrics, recording & production was done in 20 minutes right in front of my eyes. I was too excited to launch the first female Pakistani rapper called “Lil Sim” so, the track was then pirated to my cell phone via blue tooth 😀 haha the band knows about it :). The song was made about the crime scene at LUMS. I don’t really know what does that mean but that’s what I heard them saying :P. Ladies and gentlemen I give you “Crime Scene” by R.E feat. Lil Sim.

Crime Scene feat. lil sim

More by Rap Engineers

Downloads Featured Rap/HipHop Underground

Rap Engineers – Desi Diss, Exhausted [KM Exclusive]

Rap Engineers

Band Lineup:

  • Maddy (Diss Machine-Vocalist)
  • Elle (Brooklyn Fire-Music Producer)
  • Moody (Sickest Flows-Freestyle Champ Islamabad Lahore)
  • X.Polymer (Lyricaly Insane-Music Composer)


Its a band of 5 rappers from “Bahria University Islamabad” ready to rip apart the hiphop and desi scene in Pakistan. R.E was formed three years back while these five guys were going through their engineering studies.