Downloads Featured

Zaain Ul Abideen – Zeal (Download Album)

A blend of pop, jazz, classic, folk and blues is an unsurprising Zaain ul Abideen’s style. The singer is known for experimenting with different genres of music believing to bring the message of love. Zeal is a breezy Album with catchy lyrics, having heart tugging melodies, coupled with beautiful music with Finest Music Production. This Album has enough club beats to make you dance. Zeal is definitely a Worth Downloading Album.

01 – Pooch Mera Kya Naam
02 – Maahiya Maahiya
03 – Chue Chue
04 – Ayi Ayi
05 – Saiyaan Saiyaan
06 – Saanson Mein
07 – Saiyaan Saiyaan (Unplugged)
08 – Chue Chue (Unplugged)

Featured News Patriotic

Zaain’s next song in store is going to be a Patriotic Song

After giving hits like “Chue Chue” and “Saiyaan Saiyaan” Pakistan’s young yet talented singer Zaain ul Abideen is all set to release another song. This time it is a patriotic one.

What keyed Zaain up to alter from his standard romantic love ones and compose something for the country? The answer is very simple. He wanted to express his chagrin over the present circumstances of the country “He has been cooped up at home for two days because of the ongoing violence in Karachi. And then whenever he turned TV on he would hear the same things, violence, terrorism, flood, plane crash, he got really frustrated and compose this song to get his frustration out” This song has been written, composed and sung by Zaain. Zaain is done with the recording of the song and it will be on-aired very soon.

We have listened to Zaain being romantic, sadistic and flirty but let’s see what magic his voice can conjure when being patriotic.


Is Zain-ul-Abideen on Repeat Mode?

Zain-ul-abideen has been involved in music for a long time. He released his first single “Saiyaan Saiyaan” in 2006. Later in April this year his second single, “Chue Chue” along with video came out. Chue Chue turned out to be the turning point for Zain and he got recognition with that. His third single “Ayi Ayi” is already in the pipeline. The video and single is soon going to be aired. Zain is also featured in another song of Zeeshan Hayat of Feedback called “Chori Chori“. Zain is an amazing singer but what’s up with the similar song names? Is that a good luck charm for Zain? This is really funny. I hope Zain comes by to explain this 😀

Comments welcome.

Concerts/Tours Videos

Zain Ul Abideen – Nadde Kinare Gaon at Play TV Show

The video has been removed on request of Zain Ul Abideen. Zain preformed it on Play TV’s concert and he does not want its live being float all over on internet before its video. Zain will release its video in a month or two

To see complete listing of Zain’s songs click here

Downloads Featured Interviews & Radio Tv Shows Videos

Ary Musik Rising Star Zain Ul Abideen

To Download Zain’s Songs Click Here

Downloads Featured

Chue Chue Live – Zain ft Aasiyan

Zain Chue ChueDownload Now
More by Zain
Chue Chue, Saiyaan Saiyaan [Lyrics], Chue Chue ft. Falak

Downloads Rap/HipHop

Zain & Falak – Chue Chue [Live]

untitled Download:
Chue Chue [Zain and Falak Live]

We all have listened to the “Chue Chue” which was a Soft Romantic pop number. Now we are presenting the Chue Chue Mixed version. It is mixed with all the genres of music starts with Zain’s soft romantic voice then featured by Falak Soft Rock voice and in the end Parmesh Adiwal joins them and add Hip Hop in it 😀 You all must have a listen to it to see how much talented they are. They were not prepare for this and made great Fusion of all genres. I think both of them are up for Coke Studio season 3 😛

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Downloads Underground

Zain – Saiyaan Saiyaan

Download Saiyaan Saiyaan / [Lyrics]

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