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Jimmy Khan – Aisay Kaisay [Audio / Video]

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Artist: Jimmy Khan

Song: Aisay Kaisay

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Musician Jimmy Khan releases his second single/video ‘Aisay Kaisay’ that features Kanwal Eshai, Faris Shafi, Sharez Aziz, Jamal Rahman, Sameer Ahmad and Kami Paul.

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Mooroo – Kahaani Puraani (Live Acoustic Video)

Artist: Mooroo

Song: Kahaani Puraani (Acoustic)

Click here to download the studio version.

Produced by Aflatoon Studios
Special Thanks to Shahbaz Sumar

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Mooroo – Kahaani Puraani (Audio / Video)

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Artist: Mooroo

Song: Kahaani Puraani

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Produced by Aflatoon Studios

Articles Concerts/Tours Female Artists Underground

Inconcert: Funk the dumb stuff

Flying FunkBy the day of the event many variations of the I don’t give a flying funk concert were coined — what the funk, funk it, funk the night. Ignoring the fact that the moniker was a bit of a misnomer, the musicians in the backing band showed that they had the funk in them. In fact, ‘backing band’ doesn’t do justice to the likes of Louis J. Pinto aka Gumby and Omran Shafique. For some of the tracks, the vocalists were almost unnecessary; the audience response was a testament to that.