Films News

Atif Aslam Records Music for Race 2

Its great news for Atif Aslam‘s fans.

The star singer will soon be seen and heard on big screens again, as he is currently recording music for a Bollywood film.

A few hours ago, TIPS Films posted a photo of Atif Aslam in Turkey with Jay Shewakramani, the creative producer of Race 2, and made an official announcement that Atif will be doing songs for their upcoming production.

Underground Videos

Sajal Band – Tere Bin (Official Music Video)

Artist: Sajal Band

Song: Tere Bin

Composer, vocalist & lyricist: Raza Khan
Lead Guitarist: Mohsin Kafeel
Director: Yasir Nisar
Model: Mawra Hocane
GM Studioz Production

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Sajal – Tere Bin (Download Audio)

Sajal – Tere Bin (Download Audio)

Click on the Image to Download

Artist: Sajal

Song: Tere Bin

Download Now!

Composer / Vocalist: Raza Khan
Lead guitarist: Mohsin Kafeel

Recorded, mixed and mastered in GM Studios


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Uzair Jaswal – Tere Bin (Download Audio / Video)

[ Download Audio ]

Artist: Uzair Jaswal
Song: Tere Bin
Director: Yasir Jaswal
Saba Nawaz
Audio Production Sarmad Ghafoor

Films News

Ali Zafar’s ‘Tere Bin Laden’ Retitled As ‘Tere Bin’ for Pakistan

Tere Bin LadenCouple of days ago Ali Zafar, on his facebook page asked his fans’ opinion whether to change the name of his upcoming film “Tere Bin Laden” just for Pakistan? Most of the fans voted for ‘No Name Change’ and Ali also accepted their opinion saying “best judge is the public.”

However, today Ali Zafar’s media publicist Ammara Hikmat has confirmed the news that Alif films (Ali Zafar’s Film House), owner to the rights of the bollywood film “Tere Bin Laden” for Pakistan, has decided to change it’s name to “Tere Bin” for the territory of Pakistan only.

Methinks that this must be the decision of our weird censor board which never censors intimate scenes of Pakistani films but wants to censor the name ‘Laden’ from the title of the film ‘Tere Bin Laden’ which will remain the same in all over the world but for Pakistan.


Atif Aslam – Live at Rock Brigade (Videos)

Part 1 – Atif Aslam @ The Rock Brigade
Meri Ham Joliyan
*Download Link*


Atif Aslam – Live in Toronto 2009 [Videos]

Atif Aslam’s Message Of Peace & Love
Atif Aslam was recently in Toronto for a concert. Before singing the last song (Pehli Nazar), Atif told the jam packed audiance:

“I really love my country, and hold a passion for it. I like to say something… We are not terrorists at all… We believe in peace and love. I am here representing Pakistan, and i spread that message of peace and love.”


Atif Aslam – Live,Unplugged,Singles

No, I don’t like Atif till now. Don’t get into misconception that I do. So, guys Atif has finally made it to my site because of REQUESTS. I have uploaded all the Live,unplugged and singles of Atif that are not part of his albums. Have fun downloading