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Ali Azmat – Yaqeen (Sim Sim Hamara)

Ali Azmat recently sang a number titled “Yaqeen” for Children`s program “Sim Sim Hamara” (Pakistani version of “Sesame Street”). The song has been composed and brilliantly sung by Ali Azmat himself while Ahmad Aqeel has penned down the lyrics. Listen to the new song of hope! Spread the hope around you!

“Yaqeen! Yaqeen! Sapnay Hamein Dekhata Hai, Khawabun Ko Sach Banata Hai”



Atif Aslam – Live in Toronto 2009 [Videos]

Atif Aslam’s Message Of Peace & Love
Atif Aslam was recently in Toronto for a concert. Before singing the last song (Pehli Nazar), Atif told the jam packed audiance:

“I really love my country, and hold a passion for it. I like to say something… We are not terrorists at all… We believe in peace and love. I am here representing Pakistan, and i spread that message of peace and love.”