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Overdrive – Land of the Rising sun (Download Audio)

Overdrive – Land of the Rising sun (Download Audio)

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Band: Overdrive

Song: Land of the Rising sun

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Recorded by Jonathan Jones

Memory is a powerful aspect of human intellect. It links us to our past, allows us to interpret and manage the world around us, and secures our relationships with the people who are important to how can we forget our relationship with Japan. We can’t forget what happen with them at mean while may be we can’t help them accordingly but we can Express our Feeling for them.

Overdrive Proudly Dedicating this song to affected People of Japan.


come and see what it used to be
calm waters and the shining sun
now it ain’t what it used to be before
happy faces and joy was in the air

but let me say that you are one of a kind
and surely you can fly again……….

we are with you land of the rising sun
we are with you land of the sakura
Nippon it is……

broken hearts that are left behind
but hold your hands together
come on lets make another home
the days of sorrow are gone

but we can see that there is no one like you
surely you can fly again……..

we are with you land of the rising sun
we are with you land of the sakura

Artwork by Stefan Hartwig

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