Watch Mangoes Full Episode 5 – The Road Trip.
Synopsis: Sami, Asha and Rakay make a trip to Quebec City. Asha tries to endure Rakay’s anctics for the 8 hour trip while Sami dodges the question of why he like Ghazals?
What did you like about the fifth episode? Did Asha speak her mind? Was Udhay charming enough for Asha?
TELL US in the comments below.
Director: Khurram Suhrwardy
Producer/Writer: Adeel & Khurram Suhrwardy
Cast: Adeel Suhrwardy, Khurram Suhrwardy, Maha Warsi, Anokhi Dalvi, Shoba Hatte, Sohail Hashmi, Jessica Siegner, Sharjeel Arif Butt
Presented by mobilicity.