Annie’s New Album Released In USA

So, finally comes a hot news for all Annie fans. Annie is on her international tour these days, probably for the launch of her new album in different states of America. Her album ‘Do You See Me‘ has already gained a lot of publicity through its controversial leak over the internet. The album has recently […]

Annie’s Leaked Album Review

by Hasan Faridi Track leaks are normally godsends, but it’s a sticky situation with Pakistani Pop Singer Annie where people are feeling a mix of confusion, shock and awe. Most of Annie’s upcoming album hasn’t even been scheduled for release, yet most of it has made its way over the Internet by an unidentified sneaky […]

Annie’s Upcoming Album Leaks Over the Internet

April 28, 2010

Shocking yet true, Annie’s upcoming album which hasn’t even been scheduled for release yet has made it’s way over the internet. Seven songs from the album have been leaked on a famous music sharing network. The songs might be in pre-release state but all the songs are studio recorded and mastered. From what we know, […]