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Faraz Haider – Soch (Audio / Video)

Artist: Faraz Haider

Song: Soch

Soch is track number 6 on Faraz Haider’s second album called ‘Naya Jahan‘.

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Taimur Tajik – Order for Disorder (Official Music Video)

Artist: Taimur Tajik

Song: Order for Disorder

Warning: Content may contain material inappropriate for minors. Viewer discretion is advised.

The brand new single and title track from Taimur Tajik’s upcoming album ‘Order for Disorder’ (2013).

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Faraz Haider – Baatein (Audio)

Artist: Faraz Haider

Song: Baatein

Track number 9 on the album ‘Naya Jahan

Take a listen to the song below:

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Faraz Haider – Inqilaab (Audio)

Artist: Faraz Haider

Song: Inqilaab

Track number 8 on the album ‘Naya Jahan

Take a listen to the song below:

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Faraz Haider – Mujh Se (Audio)

Artist: Faraz Haider

Song: Mujh Se

Track number 2 on the album ‘Naya Jahan

Take a listen to the song below:

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Faraz Haider – Dard (Audio)

Artist: Faraz Haider

Song: Dard

Dard, track number 3 from the upcoming album ‘Naya Jahan‘. This goes out to the people who lost their families and children in the last few days.

Take a listen to the song below:

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Faraz Haider – Farman Bardar (Audio)

Artist: Faraz Haider

Song: Farman Bardar

The 4th track on the new album ‘Naya Jahan‘.

Take a listen to the song below.


Faraz Haider – Teray Huay (Download Audio)

Faraz Haider – Teray Huay (Download Audio)

Click on the Image to Download

Artist: Faraz Haider

Song: Teray Huay

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New love single from Faraz Haider titled ‘Teray Huay’.

Articles Featured Female Artists Underground Videos

Top Pakistani Covers From 2011 (Part 2 of 2)

By Mutee 

As the music industry adapts to the changing mechanics of the world, we see increased artistic output and an even greater reception. Instead of record companies, the artists are turning to sponsors and the trend of cover songs is gaining momentum. Cover songs are a great way to show off your skills and pay tribute to your heroes, but it wasn’t a very common practice until very recently. So in order to keep you more updated on this developing phenomenon here is Koolmuzone’s list of Top Pakistani Covers From 2011.

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Faraz Haider – Andher (Remix) [Download Audio]

Faraz Haider – Andher (Remix) [Download Audio]

Click on the Image to Download

Artist: Faraz Haider

Song: Andher (Remix)

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The official remix straight from RevX studio.