
Musicians with a cause

By Amina Baig

It’s easy to look at rockstars on television and think: “Oh that’s easy!” having a job that requires you to sing and play instruments, look good in videos, make public appearances and sign corporate contracts looks like the most glam job in the world. But it is a grueling job too; apart from which musicians all around the world have, in the last couple of decades emerged as humanitarians invested in honourable causes. Cue Madonna and the Raise Malawi initiative or Bono’s interest in third-world debt relief. Musicians in Pakistan in recent years have taken note of and begun to work for social causes as well. Instep scans Pakistan’s rockstars who are for their chosen cause.

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Hadiqa Kiani, Noori, Aaroh – Climate Change & Clean and Save Water (UNDP Songs)

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Summer Jam 2009 Part 1 (Audios)

Summer Jam 2009

DOWNLOAD Performances by Sara Memon, Sheldon and Farooq Ahmed (Aaroh)

Concerts/Tours Downloads Tv Shows

Farooq Ahmed live at Summer Jam 2009 (Audios)


More by Farooq (Aaroh)


United We Stand?

Rohail HyattForming a union for musicians is a noble initiative and one which has also been taken in the past [Association of Music Professionals of Pakistan (AMPP) formed in April 2006] albeit without any visible success.

There is again talk of a section of the musician community in Pakistan getting together to form another union — tentatively called the United Musicians of Pakistan (UMP).