Meesha Shafi’s Restraining Order Against Farhad Humayun (Scanned Documents)

April 12, 2011

Earlier this month, we reported Meera Shafi, more commonly known as Meesha Shafi claimed rights over Overload’s ‘Batti’. Whereas Overload’s frontman (Farhad Humayun) said that he has the legal rights over everything ever produced by Overload. “Furthermore Batti is legally a new song all together with different lyrics, different title and different music as compared […]

10 Tips For Pakistani Musicians

February 8, 2011

by Hasan Faridi 1. Promotion In the music industry, if no one knows about you, you cease to exist. So promoting your music is essential for you to be heard. Promoting through the Internet is the best method in Pakistan (See number 2) If you’re lucky enough to land time on television, you can expect […]

Governor Punjab Salmaan Taseer Praises Coke Studio

August 4, 2010

So, Coke Studio has finally ended and there has been a lot of criticism about the content produced in the third season of it. In my opinion, a lot of that is because of the experimentation that has been put into this season. This height of experimentation has resulted in mixed responses by the audiences […]