Underground Videos

Yasir & Jawad – Niqab (Official Music Video)

Artist: Yasir & Jawad

Song: Niqab


Tv Shows Underground Videos

Ufone Uth Records 2.0 – Episode One of 2.0 Showcases the Season 1 Journey

Jumbo Jutt‘s release ‘Jumbo Jutt’ showcased on Ufone Uth Records Season One was a direct result of their inspiration and beliefs for social change.

Concerts/Tours Underground Videos

Flood Relief Concert at Kuch Khaas – October 2011 (Concert Videos)

IPAC Sindhi folk artists and Quratulain Baloch (QB) rocked the show along with Arieb Azhar and Yasir & Jawad. This fund raising concert was organised by IPAC, Juvenile Dignitaries, Sonic Peacemakers and Kuch Khaas to support the flood relief efforts of Comprehensive Disaster Response Services (CDRS). Here are some of the videos of the event, shot by Junaid Zaman Malik:

Concerts/Tours Female Artists Pictures

Arieb Azhar, QB, Yasir & Jawad, Todd Shea & Other Artists at Kuch Khaas (Concert Pictures)

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IPAC folk artists Iqbal Baloch, Amb Jogi and Mai Nimani group rocked the show along with Todd Shea, Quratulain Baloch (QB), Arieb Azhar and Yasir & Jawad.

IPAC, Juvenile Dignitaries, Sonic Peacemakers and Kuch Khaas organized this fund raising concert to support the flood relief efforts of Comprehensive Disaster Response Services (CDRS). Since the end of September, CDRS has been working to provide free medical treatment and medical supplies to the flood victims in all the affected areas of Sindh. Here are some of the pictures of the event:

Articles Underground

A New Generation of Rock

By Zeerak Ahmed

Design: Essa Malik

The rise of Bilal Khan, the Aunty Disco Project & Uth records has signaled the coming of a new generation of rock music from Pakistan’s renewed underground scene. After the rise of Noori and eP, along with Indus Music, the VJ generation and a post Junoon revelation, it seems that generation of rockers will take a new place in Pakistan’s rock industry.

The energetic rock anthems have since become somewhat hollow, and as Pakistan’s politics and society have hit new rock bottoms, rock has had to find new issues, new emotions to deal with. It seems the big guns have had to deal with social issues, and bringing audiences back together.

Interviews & Radio

5 Minutes With Yasir and Jawad (Interview)

We sat down with the band that has recently gained popularity through Uth Records and talked about their work, experience with Uth Records and possible future endeavors

1. How did the band begin? How do you define your sound?

The band began with Yasir on Rabab and Jawad on Acoustic Guitar in 2008, which was an experimental stage, where both would try to blend the sounds of the two instruments and try to create folk music with a contemporary feel to it. The results were pretty good. People liked the blend. It was in 2010, that Wali Aurakzai joined the band as a lead vocalist, and as a result of further experimentation, the three created Pashto folk melodies with a very modern feel to it.

The sound of our music is Pashto folk melodies put into the perspective of Pakistani contemporary modern music. Our aim has always been to portray Pashto music in such a modern way, that people almost forget the language and enjoy the Pashto feel of it.

Pictures Tv Shows

Uth Records – Episode 2 ‘Yasir & Jawad’ (Pictures)

On Set Photographer – Biya Shadab

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Downloads Featured Lyrics Underground

Yasir & Jawad – Reidi Gul (Download Audio) [Uth Records – EP 2]

Yasir & Jawad – Reidi Gul (Download Audio)

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Artist: Yasir & Jawad

Show: Uth Records

Song: Reidi Gul

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Featured Lyrics Tv Shows Videos

Uth Records – Episode 2 – Yasir & Jawad [Videos]


Uth Records Announces 2nd Artist: Yasir & Jawad, Airing on 25th Feb

A contemporary folk music duo from Peshawar, having initially formed the band in 2008, Yasir Rehman and Jawad Iqbal added a third musician to the Y&J band in 2010, Abdul Wali Orakzai . With Yasir on the traditional instrument, the Rubaab, Jawad on Rhythm Guitar and Wali as lead vocalist, the band recently recorded a single, yet to be released with Zeeshan Parwez of Zeepar Studios.

The band has enjoyed developing compositions and structures with the Uth Records and team and to this end, Yasir, Jawad and Wali have said “It was our first experience working with such great artists of Pakistan. They are highly talented and really hard working. In fact recording was a tough procedure as they pushed us to strive for perfection which transformed our simple melody into something exceptional”.

Comprising of three members, Yasir (Rubaab), Jawad (Rhythm Guitar) and Wali (Vocalist), Yasir and Jawad maintain their Pashto folk tradition through their debut Uth Records single named after the renowned Pashto poem ‘Reidi Gul’.