KM updates

Few more updates have been made today including Amir Zaki, Furqan Ali Shah, Needlework, Arwa, Zameer, Rohail Hyatt, Fatima Quershi, Myra Iqbal, Dye corduroy , Ali Hamza and Imran Lodhi

Ali Noor’s Diary

January 2, 2009

The post is taken from Ali Noor’s (Noori) diary. He has been a father recently and this is his first love poem The Love of my life…a few hours away I never thought I’d do this That I write for someone I love.. Always considered it an injustice to the emotion… But I can’t help […]

Jal and Atif: Who is Worse

December 30, 2008

When the overrated song “addat” came out I used to wonder who among them made the great song of that time. Who among them would be the better one, the real one behind the song. Now, few years have passed and both artists came up with couple of albums. The Jal/Atif competition and controversy remained. […]

Rock music and Pakistan

December 29, 2008

Pakistani musicians specifically of the genre rock are said to be Asia’s best. Some American author (I don’t remember the name of the guy) traveled throughout the world to search for his soul mate music. He traveled places, learned about cultures,listened their music,wrote his book and concluded that Pakistani rock is the best rock music […]